CANVASS 44: O’bamabots, Romneybots & Other Politico’bots

‘Tis the season… Obama v Romney… time for all the pundits to weigh in.

Let the name-calling begin… O’bamabots… Romneybots…

Mindless followers or politicians devoid of human sentiment… Ouch…

Maybe, simply, just enthusiastic investors in the political process…

The following are some early designs of Politico’bots based on a line of collectible toys, O’BOTs.

Naturally, we couldn’t decide which outfit we liked best for the First Lady…

Can you guess the politico’bot pundit below?

Have a fave? Let us know on twitter @carbonfibreme!

Thanks for reading!

~ Onjena Yo

#sayitLOUD #registertovote #spreadLOVE


Onjena Yo makes her professional debut at Carbon-Fibre Media with her line of toy robots called “O’BOTS” and a line of political t-shirts for CANVASS 44. She is also an amateur scrapbooker.